Studies on the flora of Yemen: Flora of Kharab AlMarashi, AlJawf, Republic of Yemen

Document Type : Original articles


Biology Department, Faculty of Science, Sana'a University, Yemen


The present study deals with the floristic analysis of Karab AlMarashi, Al Jawf, Yemen. Eighty six
species belong to 67 genera and 36 families of the vascular plants have been recorded. The dicots are
represented by 81 species, while the monocots are represented by 5 species. The family Asteraceae had
the highest contributions followed by Asclepiadaceae, Solanaceae, Malvaceae, Apiaceae,
Zygophyllaceae, Euphorbiaceae and Lamiaceae. Life form spectra are highly represented by
chamaephytes followed by phanerophytes, therophytes, hemicryptophytes and cryptophytes. The pluriregionals
species are the highest, followed by the mono-regionals species, while the bi-regionals
species were the lowest. The present results proved that the flora of Kharab AlMarashi is species rich
and diverse. The generic index is 1.3. Acacia is the largest recorded genus in Kharab AlMarashi.
