Protective effect of some natural products on acrylamide induced toxicity

Document Type : Original articles


1 Zoology Department, Damietta Faculty of Science, Damietta, Egypt.

2 Zoology Department, Sebha University, Libya.


The present study was carried out to investigate the hematological and immunological effects of acrylamide on immature male and female rats. The roles of honey and/or nigella sativa oil treatment against these effects of ACR were also investigated. Acrylamide (ACR) is a well-known industrial toxic chemical that produces neurotoxicity, which is characterized by progressive central and peripheral neuronal degeneration. There was significant decrease in the hemoglobin content (p < 0.05) and RBCS counts (p < 0.05) and significant increase in WBCS (p < 0.05) and platelets counts (p < 0.01) due to acrylamide toxicity. At recovery period, there was significant increase in the hemoglobin content and RBCS counts of honey and/or Nigella sativa oil-treated groups as compared to those of the untreated rats but they were still significantly lower than those of the control rats. Moreover, there was significant decrease in the WBCs and platelets counts of honey and/or Nigella sativa oil -treated groups of animals as compared to those of the untreated toxicated rats. In addition, there were significant decreases in the levels of both tumor necrosis factor (TNF-alpha) and Interleukin-17 (IL-17) in this study due to ACR toxicity. At recovery period, there were significant increases in the in the levels of both TNF-alpha and IL-17 of honey and/or Nigella sativa oil -treated groups of animals as compared to those of the untreated toxicated rats. In the current study, the treatments with honey and/or Nigella sativa oil enhance the hematological and immunological parameters of the treated animals that can participate in the neuroprotective effect of Acrylamide on Wistar rats.
