Protective and Therapeutic Effects of Moringa oleifera Against Toxicity of Lead Chloride

Document Type : Original articles


Zoology Department, Faculty of Science, Damietta University, New Damietta, Egypt.


The present study aimed to evaluate the protective and therapeutic effects of M. oleifera leaves against toxicity induced by PbCl2 in albino male rats. Thirty-six albino rats weighing about 182.8 g were divided into 6 groups each of 6 rats. Control group, left without treatment. The PbCl2 group treated orally with 200 mg PbCl2 daily for 30 days. The M. oleifera group treated orally with 200 mg M. oleifera daily for 30 days. PbCl2 + M. oleifera group (200 mg PbCl2 + 200 mg M. oleifera). Therapeutic group (200 mg PbCl2 followed by 200 mg M. oleifera) and protective group (200 mg M. oleifera followed by 200 mg PbCl2). At the end of the experiment, both kidney and liver function tests were assayed as well as catalase and SOD enzymes activity and MDA level. The activity of ALT and the levels of bilirubin, urea, creatinine, cholesterol, ammonia, urea and triglycerides were elevated after lead administration compared with the control and protective groups (p<0.05) but the level of albumin of the same group was decreased compared with the control group. In protective group, the level of MDA was significantly decrease compared with that of the lead group. On the other hand, the activities of SOD and catalase were significantly increase in the protective group as well as other treated groups compared with the control group (p<0.05). In conclusion, treatment with M. oleifera leaves can protect liver and kidney against lead toxicity.
