Habitat Range of Four Atriplex Species Growing in the Mediterranean Coast of Egypt

Document Type : Original articles


1 Botany Department, Faculty of Science, Damietta University, Egypt

2 Botany department, Faculty of Science, Damietta University


Atriplex species are tolerant to salinity and drought and thus they are suitable for restoration of degraded arid and semi-arid lands. In addition, many Atriplex species offer good value as non-traditional forages. The aim of this study is to assess the habitat range of four Atriplex species in the coastal area of the Mediterranean Sea of Egypt. Two of these species use C3 photosynthesis; they are namely: Atriplex portulacoides and A. prostrata and the other two use C4 photosynthesis (A. halimus and A. nummularia). The four species are growing in different habitats along the Mediterranean Coast from New Damietta to Burullus Lake to identify the habitat types and the associated species with Atriplex. These soil samples were analyzed to compare between C3 and C4 species on the basis of the habitat. Results of soil analysis indicated that EC of the soil in which C4 species grow is more than that of C3 species and the percentages (%) of Cl-, CO3— and organic carbon of the soil in which C4 species grow are more than that of C3 species, moreover, the moisture content of the soil in which C3 species grow is higher than the moisture content of the soil in which C4 species grow.

The obtained results from the soil variables will be useful for the understanding of the optimal habitat for C3 and C4 Atriplex species in the coastal area of the Mediterranean Sea. Furthermore, the obtained data will help for the agro-application of these important halophytes.


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