Petrophysical evaluation of Bahariya sandstone reservoir in Al-Fadl and Al-Qadr Fields, North East Abu Gharadig Basin (NEAG), Western Desert

Document Type : Original articles


1 Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Damietta University, New Damietta, Damietta, Egypt

2 Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Damietta University, New Damietta City, 34517, Egypt.


The objective of this study is to evaluate the Bahariya sandstone reservoir in the Al-Fadl and Al-Qadr fields within the North East Abu Gharadig Basin, Western Desert, Egypt. This evaluation utilizes qualitative and quantitative well log data from four wells: Alfadl-1, Alfadl-2, Alqadr-1, and Alqadr-6. Initial identification of potential reservoir zones was based on visual inspection of well log curves. Zones with favorable log responses, such as low gamma ray readings, positive resistivity separation, and neutron-density separation indicative of sandstone, were selected for further analysis. Key petrophysical parameters including shale volume, total porosity, effective porosity, and water saturation were calculated using established equations. The results indicate that Alfadl-1 well contains four promising zones (A, B, C, and D) characterized by high effective porosity (20% in average) and low water saturation (<50%). However, Alfadl-2 well did not reveal any significant reservoirs due to high shale content. Alqadr-1 well identified two promising zones (A and B) with effective porosities ranging from 13-19% and moderate water saturation ranging from 40-75%. Similarly, Alqadr-6 well showed three zones (A, B, and C) with effective porosities ranging from 13-18% and average water saturation of 50%. Overall, the Bahariya Formation exhibits potential hydrocarbon-bearing zones with varying degrees of reservoir quality, influenced by shale content and porosity levels. This evaluation provides a basis for further exploration and development in the North East Abu Gharadig Basin.


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