‏Identification and Optimization of Culture Conditions of a Marine Agar-Degrading Bacterium Pseudoalteromonas agarivorans EGPS36 Isolated from Egypt

Document Type : Original articles


1 Department of Botany and Microbiology, Faculty of science, Damietta university, New Damietta city, Egypt

2 Department of Botany and Microbiology, Faculty of Science, Damietta University, New Damietta city, Egypt


A collection of 44 differently looking colonies of marine bacteria were isolated from the Mediterranean Sea Coast of Port Said City, Port Said Governorate, Egypt. The basal salt solution (BSS) medium was utilized to evaluate the agarase production in all originated bacteria. The solution of Lugol's iodine was employed to evaluate the agarase formation qualitatively. 8 bacterial isolates out of the 44 revealed the capability of agarase formation. Quantitatively, agarase was assessed by employing the 3,5-Dinitrosalycilic acid (DNS) methodology. The most active isolate of the agarase enzyme was identified by assessing the morphological, biochemical, and genetic traits. The biochemical tests and the 16S rRNA gene sequencing confirmed that the marine bacterial isolate EGPS36 was grouped in a manner with Pseudoalteromonas agarivorans and assigned an accession number of (PQ203725) in the GenBank. The optimum P. agarivorans EGPS36 growth and agarase potency were compatible with an inoculum size, agitation speed, incubation duration, temperature, pH, and sodium chloride level of 2%, 150 rpm, 48 hr, 35℃, 8, and 3.5% concentration, respectively. The higher proliferation and agarase potency were accomplished via the implementation of agar as a provider of carbon via a level of 0.4%. The proliferation and agarase formation were concealed when the galactose, glucose, rhamnose, sucrose, arabinose, raffinose, cellulose, xylan, and xylose were applied. The higher proliferation and agarase potency were accomplished by implementing yeast extract as a nitrogen source at 0.3%. The proliferation and agarase formation were concealed when the tryptophan and tryptone were applied.


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