Cosmological Evolution of Tsallis Holographic Dark Energy Model in The LTB Inhomogeneous Universe

Document Type : Original articles


1 Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Damietta University, New Damietta, Egypt.

2 Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Damanhur University, Damanhur, Egypt

3 Professor of Theoretical Physics, Physics Department Faculty of Science Damietta University


This work aims to construct the generalized form of holographic dark energy den-
sity which is known as the Tsallis holographic dark energy within an inhomogeneous universe
scenario with interacting dark sectors. This holographic model has been investigated using the
IR cutoff equals the Hubble horizon. The evolutionary behavior of some basic cosmological
parameters, such as the Hubble parameter, the deceleration parameter, and the equation of
state parameter is studied and plotted against the redshift. The stability of these models has
been studied by investigating the evolution of the square of sound speed of the cosmologi-
cal matter fluctuations against the redshift. In addition, the evolution of the diagnostic Om
and Lm parameters is studied. The obtained results show a very good agreement between
the recent values of some of the cosmological parameters with the observations. Some ma-
jor differences and similarities between these models and previously studied inhomogeneous
models have been shown. The features that distinguish these models from each other and the
standard cosmological model have been studied by applying the state finder analysis. To in-
vestigate the viability of these models and how they are candidates to explain a realistic case
of our universe, they have been tested with the violation of the second law of thermodynamics
and the evolution of the sound speed squared parameter.


Main Subjects